半岛·体育(China)官方网站-BOB SPORTS

Undergraduate International Program in Economics


Jerry 崔怡昕

UIPE是一个精心设计的全英语授课本科生经济学项目,我非常高兴能够作为UIPE的第一届学生同世界各地的同学们共同学习进步。项目课程设计多元,师资力量雄厚,是带领我们进入经济学领域的不二之选。UIPE项目也为我们提供了各类国际化的平台,例如我曾有幸获得前往麻省理工学院交流访学的机会,感受世界名校的氛围。UIPE同学们之间的关系也非常紧密,互相交流共同进步。总之,欢迎大家加入UIPE,you and I perfect ever!


Glenda 钱清正



Anton Ponomarenko

As Sean Connery once said, “There’s always a new challenge to keep you motivated.” I would regard UIPE program as the greatest challenge of my life, yet the one that gives me the most opportunities to grow both academically and as a person. The program provides exceptional insights on the field of international economics and markets, strong educational basis and excellent teaching resources and professors. I strongly encourage everyone who wants to challenge themselves and undertake outstanding learning experience, as well as perceive China with its ancient and glorious culture, to participate in the UIPE program.


Angela 郑嘉禾

UIPE是一个国际化项目,从入学的welcome party、city exploration,到全英文授课、国际化课程、出国交换项目,都将我一步步打造成为一名国际化人才。在我20年暑假参加的HEC交换项目中,我有机会充分接触到国外的学术环境、学习氛围、教学风格,也结识了很多金融领域的朋友。UIPE将一群拥有相同志向的同学聚到一起,这种感觉真的很棒。UIPE,期待你的到来!


Gino Wang

For me, UIPE program is defined by its rigorous academic standards, global horizons, and diversified paths.

The well-designed curriculum and highly selected teaching team ensure the quality of the English-taught courses which allow us to reach the cutting-edge research in the field and gain an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of Economics. Students at UIPE choose our academic advisors during the sophomore year, offering us a clear career direction and better academic training.

UIPE also enables students to gain access to exchange opportunities at prestigious international institutes. I was selected to study at The University of Tokyo. The half-year exchange program presented me with an amazing journey to enhance my academic skills, improve my communication ability, expand my network, and embrace Japanese culture. Here at UIPE, you will have the chance to exchange knowledge with talented students from different cultural backgrounds, which better equip you for the future international environment.

UIPE provides career support for students choosing either academic or industrial paths. Graduates are enrolled in Ph.D. programs in Hong Kong and Shanghai and applied-oriented graduate program at top schools in China, Europe, and the US.

Apply to UIPE now to enjoy a completely different perspective of undergraduate studies in China and start a journey to a promising future.


Kaiwei Lim

If I can choose again, It would definitely still be UIPE! It is the place where magic happens and most importantly, I am enriched by the people I’ve met :)


Lindsey 钱凌霄
